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If L=20.04m±0.01m,B=2.52m±0.02m.What are the values of (L×B) and (L÷B)?

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Given errors are absolute errors, while the rule says that percentage errors are to be added.(You can use relative or fractional errors also in place of percentage errors, brt you will find it less confusing while dealing with percentage errors). Hence , the first step will be to convert the given absolute errors in percentage errors.
This is the result . However , since the data given in the question was in terms of absolute errors. so we should give our result also in absolut errors
Similarly, L/B=(20.40cancel(m))/(2.52cancel(m))+-(0.049+0.79)%=7.95+-0.839%=7.95+-(0.839)/(100)xx7.95=7.95+-0.066.
The result should be rounded to which place of decimal is explained later in this chapter.
