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Differentiate between :Solute and solvent

Video Solution
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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Solute:
- A solute is a substance that gets dissolved in a solution. It is the component that is present in a smaller quantity compared to the solvent.

2. Definition of Solvent:
- A solvent is the substance that dissolves the solute. It acts as the dissolving medium and is usually present in a larger quantity than the solute.

3. Quantity Comparison:
- In a solution, the solute is less in quantity, while the solvent is more in quantity. This means that when you prepare a solution, you typically have more solvent than solute.

4. Physical States:
- Solutes can exist in various physical states: solid, liquid, or gas. For example, sugar (solid) can dissolve in water (liquid).
- Solvents are mostly in the liquid state, but they can also be gaseous. However, solvents are rarely solid because solids have a fixed structure that does not allow for mixing.

5. Example:
- Consider making a sugar solution. Here, sugar is the solute (less quantity) and water is the solvent (more quantity). When sugar is added to water and stirred, it dissolves, forming a sugar solution.

Summary of Differences:
- Solute:
- Definition: Substance that gets dissolved.
- Quantity: Less in quantity.
- Physical State: Can be solid, liquid, or gas.

- Solvent:
- Definition: Dissolving medium.
- Quantity: More in quantity.
- Physical State: Mostly liquid, sometimes gas, rarely solid.
