Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Ice at 0C enclosed in an adiabatic shell and is compressed to a pressure of 600 atm. It is known that an increase in the pressure of 138 atm causes the melting point of ice to drop by 1 K. Assuming the phase diagram in this part to be linear, find the fraction of the ice that is going to melt.

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First find the melting points t=Δp/k=4.35C. As the ice is cooled to this temperature, the heat liberated is Q=mcΔt=mc|t| This heat will be spent to melt the ice Qm=m1λ. Hence the fraction of the ice that will melt will be x=m1m=c|t|λ.
In the calculation assume that the specific heat of ice and the heat of melting remain constant.
