What will be the motion of the conductor of the previous problem, if a resistor of resistance R is connected into the circuit instead of the capacitor? Neglect the resistance of the conductors.
लिखित उत्तर
The correct Answer is:It will move downwards at a stationary velocity vstat−mgR/B2l2.
The forces acting on a falling conductor are tho force of gravity mg directed downwards and the Ampere force F= iBi directed upwards. By Ohm.s law i=ε/R and the induced e.m.f. is ε=Blv. Hence the Ampera force is F=B2l2u/R. The equation of motion of the condutor is a=mg−Fm=g−B2l2vmR
After a certain moment of time the acceleration becomes zero and the conductor continues to fall uniformly at a constant speed (compare with Problem 5.13).
ज्ञान जांच
The resistance of a conductor depends on its
AMaterial of conductorBLength of conductorCArea of cross-section of conductorDAll of these