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State the location and function of different types of meristems.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Meristem:
- Meristematic tissue is a type of plant tissue responsible for growth, development, and division. It is composed of undifferentiated cells that can divide and differentiate into various types of plant cells.

2. Types of Meristems Based on Location:
- Meristems can be classified into three main types based on their location in the plant:
1. Apical Meristem
2. Intercalary Meristem
3. Lateral Meristem

3. Apical Meristem:
- Location: Found at the tips of roots and shoots (the growing points of the plant).
- Function: Responsible for the elongation of the plant, contributing to the increase in height (length) of the plant.

4. Intercalary Meristem:
- Location: Located between mature tissues, particularly at the nodes of stems and at the base of leaves.
- Function: Facilitates the growth of branches and allows for the elongation of internodes, contributing to the overall growth of the plant.

5. Lateral Meristem:
- Location: Found along the sides of the plant, typically in the vascular and cork cambium.
- Function: Responsible for the thickening (girth) of the plant, contributing to secondary growth, which increases the plant's diameter.

6. Classification of Meristems:
- Primary Meristem: Formed by the combination of apical and intercalary meristems, responsible for primary growth (length).
- Secondary Meristem: Refers to lateral meristem, responsible for secondary growth (thickness).

- Apical Meristem: Located at tips of roots and shoots; responsible for length growth.
- Intercalary Meristem: Located between mature tissues; responsible for branch formation and internode elongation.
- Lateral Meristem: Located along the sides of the plant; responsible for thickness growth.
