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Differentiate between Collagen fibres and elastin fibres

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Collagen Fibers:
- Collagen fibers are a type of fibrous protein found in connective tissue. They are secreted in the form of tropocollagen molecules by cells known as fibroblasts. Once secreted, these molecules assemble extracellularly to form striated collagen fibrils.

2. Definition of Elastic Fibers:
- Elastic fibers are another type of fibrous protein found in connective tissue. They are primarily composed of the protein elastin, which allows them to stretch and return to their original shape.

3. Chemical Composition:
- Collagen fibers are made up of collagen proteins, which provide strength and structural support to tissues.
- Elastic fibers are made up of elastin proteins, which give them the ability to stretch and recoil.

4. Arrangement and Structure:
- Collagen fibers have a more organized and layered structure, which contributes to their tensile strength.
- Elastic fibers have a more random arrangement, which allows them to be flexible and elastic.

5. Functionality:
- Collagen fibers provide strength and support to various tissues, making them essential for maintaining the structural integrity of organs and tissues.
- Elastic fibers allow tissues to stretch and recoil, which is particularly important in organs that undergo significant changes in shape, such as the lungs and blood vessels.

Summary of Differences:
| Feature | Collagen Fibers | Elastic Fibers |
| Composition | Made of collagen proteins | Made of elastin proteins |
| Structure | Organized and layered | Random arrangement |
| Functionality | Provides strength and support | Allows stretching and recoiling |
