Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Examine the following numbers for divisibility by 7:

Video Solution
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

The correct Answer is:Divisible

To determine if the number 28546 is divisible by 7, we can follow the steps outlined in the video transcript. Here’s a step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Remove the last digit
- The last digit of 28546 is 6.
- Removing the last digit gives us the new number: 2854.

Step 2: Double the last digit and subtract
- We double the last digit (which we removed):
- 6×2=12.
- Now, we subtract this from the new number obtained in Step 1:
- 285412=2842.

Step 3: Check the result
- The result is 2842, which is still a four-digit number. We need to repeat the process.

Step 4: Repeat Step 1
- Remove the last digit of 2842:
- The last digit is 2.
- Removing it gives us: 284.

Step 5: Double the last digit and subtract
- Double the last digit (which we removed):
- 2×2=4.
- Now, subtract this from the new number obtained in Step 4:
- 2844=280.

Step 6: Check the result
- The result is 280, which is still a three-digit number. We need to repeat the process again.

Step 7: Repeat Step 1
- Remove the last digit of 280:
- The last digit is 0.
- Removing it gives us: 28.

Step 8: Double the last digit and subtract
- Double the last digit (which we removed):
- 0×2=0.
- Now, subtract this from the new number obtained in Step 7:
- 280=28.

Step 9: Check the result
- The result is 28, which is a two-digit number. Now we check if 28 is divisible by 7:
- 28÷7=4 (which is a whole number).

Since 28 is divisible by 7, we conclude that 28546 is also divisible by 7.

