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Where are enterocytes present?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Enterocytes: Enterocytes are specialized cells known as intestinal absorptive cells.

2. Location: Enterocytes are primarily located in the small and large intestines.

3. Cellular Structure: They are classified as simple columnar epithelial cells, which means they have a column-like shape.

4. Function: The main role of enterocytes is the absorption of nutrients and minerals from digested food.

5. Surface Features: Enterocytes have a glycocalyx surface coat that contains various digestive enzymes, aiding in the absorption process.

6. Secretion: Enterocytes are also responsible for producing mucus, which forms a protective layer over the epithelial tissue. This mucus is primarily made up of heavily glycosylated mucin proteins.

7. Summary: In summary, enterocytes are present in both the small and large intestines, where they play a crucial role in nutrient absorption and mucus production.

