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Differentiate between elements and compounds

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Elements:
- An element is defined as a pure substance that is made up of only one kind of particles. These particles can be either atoms or molecules.
- Example: Sodium (Na), Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), and gases like Hydrogen (H₂), Oxygen (O₂), and Nitrogen (N₂) are all examples of elements.

2. Characteristics of Elements:
- Elements cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means.
- They are represented by symbols in the periodic table (e.g., Na for Sodium, O for Oxygen).

3. Definition of Compounds:
- A compound is a pure substance that is formed when two or more different elements combine in a fixed ratio by mass.
- Example: Water (H₂O) is a compound made from hydrogen and oxygen. Other examples include Ammonia (NH₃), Methane (CH₄), and Carbon Dioxide (CO₂).

4. Characteristics of Compounds:
- Compounds have different properties from the elements that make them up.
- They can be broken down into simpler substances (elements) through chemical reactions.

5. Key Differences:
- Composition: Elements consist of one type of particle, while compounds consist of two or more different elements combined together.
- Formation: Elements cannot be formed from simpler substances, whereas compounds are formed through the chemical combination of elements.
- Properties: The properties of compounds are usually different from the properties of the elements that constitute them.

Summary of Differences:
- Elements: Pure substances made of one type of particle (atoms or molecules); cannot be broken down further.
- Compounds: Pure substances made of two or more elements combined in a fixed ratio; can be broken down into their constituent elements.
