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Draw a line segment P Q = 5 6 cm Draw a perpendicular to it from a point A outside line PQ by using
ruler and set square

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Draw the Line Segment PQ:
- Use a ruler to measure and draw a line segment labeled PQ that is 5.6 cm long.
- Mark the endpoints as P and Q.

2. Identify Point A:
- Choose a point A outside the line segment PQ. Ensure that point A is not on the line PQ and is positioned above or below it.

3. Position the Set Square:
- Take the set square and place it such that one of its edges aligns with the line segment PQ. The other edge should extend towards point A.

4. Draw the Perpendicular Line:
- While keeping the set square in position, draw a straight line from point A to the line segment PQ. This line should intersect PQ at a right angle (90 degrees), making it perpendicular.

5. Label the Intersection Point:
- Mark the point where the line from A intersects PQ as point R.
