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According to unit membrane concept the plasma membrane has the following arrangement


protein and lipid layers intermingled







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The correct Answer is:B

Step-by-Step Solution

1. Understanding the Unit Membrane Concept: The unit membrane concept was proposed by Robertson in 1935. It describes the structure of biological membranes, particularly animal cell membranes.

2. Structure of the Plasma Membrane: According to this concept, the plasma membrane consists of a lipid bilayer that is flanked by protein layers on both sides. This arrangement resembles a sandwich, where the lipid layer is the filling and the proteins are the bread.

3. Components of the Membrane:
- Lipid Layer: The central part of the membrane is composed of lipids, which are hydrophobic in nature.
- Protein Layers: Surrounding the lipid bilayer are protein layers that are hydrophilic, meaning they interact well with water.

4. Arrangement of Layers: The correct arrangement of the plasma membrane according to the unit membrane concept is:
- Protein (outer layer) - Lipid (middle layer) - Protein (inner layer).
This is often abbreviated as PLP (Protein-Lipid-Protein).

5. Evaluating the Options: The question provides several options:
- Protein and lipid layers intermingled
- Protein-Lipid-Protein
- Lipid-Protein-Lipid
- Protein-Lipid-Lipid
The correct answer is Protein-Lipid-Protein.

6. Conclusion: The plasma membrane, according to the unit membrane concept, has a structure that consists of a lipid bilayer sandwiched between two protein layers.
