Biotechnology principle and proesses || introduction principles tools || lysing enzymes and restriction enzymes

वीडियो समाधान

Step by step video solution for Biotechnology principle and proesses || introduction principles tools || lysing enzymes and restriction enzymes by Biology experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 12 exams.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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ज्ञान जांच

  • Type-I restriction enzyme

    Arecognise the specific seqences and cleave DNA at the specific
    Bdo not recognise or cleave the specific sequence
    Crecognise specific sequence but cleave non-specific sequence
    DNone of the above
  • Restriction enzymes are :

    ANot always required in genetic engineering
    BEssential tool in genetic ebgineering
    CNucleases that cleave DNA at specific sites
    DBoth (2) and (3)
  • Restriction enzymes are :

    ANot always required in genetic engineering
    BEssential tool in genetic engineering
    CNucleases that cleave DNA at specific sites
    D(B) and (C) both