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Find the square roots of the following numbers :
(i) 121 (ii) 225 (iii) 144.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the square roots of the numbers 121, 225, and 144, we will use prime factorization. Let's solve each part step by step.

Step 1: Find the square root of 121
1. Prime Factorization:
- 121 can be divided by 11.
- 121=11×11

2. Square Root Calculation:
- The square root of 121 is 121=11×11=11.

Answer: The square root of 121 is 11.

Step 2: Find the square root of 225
1. Prime Factorization:
- 225 can be divided by 3.
- 225÷3=75
- 75÷3=25
- 25÷5=5
- 5÷5=1
- So, 225=3×3×5×5=32×52.

2. Square Root Calculation:
- The square root of 225 is 225=32×52=3×5=15.

Answer: The square root of 225 is 15.

Step 3: Find the square root of 144
1. Prime Factorization:
- 144 can be divided by 2.
- 144÷2=72
- 72÷2=36
- 36÷2=18
- 18÷2=9
- 9÷3=3
- 3÷3=1
- So, 144=2×2×2×2×3×3=24×32.

2. Square Root Calculation:
- The square root of 144 is 144=24×32=22×3=4×3=12.

Answer: The square root of 144 is 12.

Summary of Answers
- The square root of 121 is 11.
- The square root of 225 is 15.
- The square root of 144 is 12.
