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Find the number of integral solutions of the equation x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 = 462 .


A) 2048


B) 256


C) 24


D) 1024

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The correct Answer is:A

To find the number of integral solutions of the equation x1x2x3x4=462, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Prime Factorization of 462
First, we need to factor the number 462 into its prime factors.


Step 2: Assigning Prime Factors
We have four prime factors: 2,3,7, and 11. We need to distribute these prime factors among the four variables x1,x2,x3, and x4.

Step 3: Counting Assignments
Each prime factor can be assigned to any of the four variables. Therefore, for each prime factor, there are 4 choices (it can go to x1,x2,x3, or x4).

Since there are 4 prime factors, the total number of ways to assign these factors is:


Step 4: Considering Integral Solutions
Now, we need to consider the integral solutions. The product x1x2x3x4 must be positive. This can happen in the following cases:
1. All four variables are positive.
2. Two variables are positive and two are negative.
3. All four variables are negative.

Step 5: Counting the Cases
We can calculate the number of ways to choose the signs for the variables:

- Case 1: All variables are positive. There is only 1 way to choose this case.

- Case 2: Choose 2 out of 4 variables to be positive. The number of ways to choose 2 from 4 is given by the binomial coefficient (42):


- Case 3: All variables are negative. There is only 1 way to choose this case.

Adding these cases together gives:


Step 6: Total Integral Solutions
Finally, we multiply the number of ways to assign the prime factors by the number of ways to choose the signs:

Total Integral Solutions=256×8=2048

Thus, the number of integral solutions of the equation x1x2x3x4=462 is 2048.

