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A fertilised egg becomes a seed. [ ]

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Fertilization:
- A fertilized egg refers to the process where the male gamete (sperm) fertilizes the female gamete (egg cell).
- This process results in the formation of a zygote.

2. Development of the Zygote:
- After fertilization, the zygote undergoes cell division and development.
- The zygote is the initial stage of development, but it does not directly become a seed.

3. Role of the Ovary and Ovules:
- The ovary of the flower plays a crucial role after fertilization.
- The ovules, which are found within the ovary, develop into seeds after fertilization occurs.

4. Formation of Seeds:
- As the ovules develop into seeds, the ovary itself transforms into the fruit.
- The rest of the flower parts typically fall off after fertilization.

5. Conclusion:
- Therefore, the statement "A fertilized egg becomes a seed" is false.
- The correct understanding is that a fertilized egg forms a zygote, which later leads to the development of seeds from the ovules.

Final Answer: The statement is false.

