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Who gave the concept of totipotency?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Concept: The question asks for the individual who introduced the concept of "totipotency."

2. Recall the Name: The concept of totipotency was given by a German botanist.

3. Provide the Name: The name of the botanist who proposed this concept is Professor Gottlieb Haberlandt.

4. Explain Totipotency: Totipotency refers to the ability of a single cell to develop into a complete organism. In plants, this means that any living cell can regenerate the entire plant body, provided it is derived from a fertilized egg.

5. Clarify the Mechanism: The totipotent cells have the capability to differentiate into any type of cell necessary for the formation of the entire plant organism.

6. Differentiate Related Concepts: It is important to note that totipotency is distinct from other forms of cell potency, such as pluripotency (cells that can differentiate into many, but not all, cell types) and multipotency (cells that can differentiate into a limited range of cell types).

Final Answer: The concept of totipotency was given by Professor Gottlieb Haberlandt.

