Look up a dictionary and write two meanings of each of the following words - the one in which it is used in the lesson and the other which is more common:Cell, prey, privilege, convict, tint, gaunt, intimacy
लिखित उत्तर
Cell- a small room in which a prisoner is locked up or in which a monk or nun sleeps, prison. Prey-an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food,quarry. Privilege-a special right, advantage. Convict-declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offence by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law,sentence. Tint- colour,shade. Gaunt-(of a person) lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age,skinny. Intimacy-close familiarity or friendship, togetherness.
ज्ञान जांच
Two metal sphere of same mass are suspended form a common point by a light insulating string.The length of each string is same.The sphere are given electric charges +q on one end and +4q on the other.Which of the following diagram best shows the resulting positions of spheres?
ABCDWhich of the following statements regarding species interdependence are true?
1. An association of two species where one is benefited and other remains unaffected is called mutualism.
2. An interspecific association where both partners derive from each other is called commensalism.
3. A direct food relation between two species of animals in which one animals kills and feeds on another is referred as predation.
4. A relationship between two species of organism where both the partners are benefited from each other is called symbiosis.AI and II onlyBIII and IV onlyCI and III onlyDII and III only