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Define the following term :

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Step-by-Step Text Solution for the Definition of Assimilation:

1. Understanding Digestion:
- Digestion is the process where complex food molecules are broken down into simpler forms. For example, carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and fructose, fats into fatty acids and glycerol, and proteins into amino acids.

2. Absorption of Nutrients:
- After digestion, the simple food molecules are absorbed into the bloodstream. This absorption occurs in the small intestine, specifically through structures called villi, which are finger-like projections that increase the surface area for absorption.

3. Transportation to Cells:
- Once absorbed, these simple food molecules are transported via the blood to all the cells in the body.

4. Definition of Assimilation:
- Assimilation refers to the process where the cells utilize these absorbed food molecules. This utilization involves converting the food into energy through cellular respiration.

5. Energy Production:
- The energy produced during assimilation is essential for various biological processes, including growth, repair, and muscle building.

6. Conclusion:
- In summary, assimilation is the process in which cells take in and use the nutrients from digested food to produce energy necessary for life functions.

Final Definition:
Assimilation is the process by which cells utilize absorbed nutrients from digested food to produce energy, which is essential for various biological functions in the body.

