Arrange in ascending order:
2961897, 45712688, 4573695, 23614576, 2354581, 45713898, 4572363, 23641785
To arrange the numbers in ascending order, we need to compare each number and list them from the smallest to the largest. Here’s how we can do it step by step:
Step 1: List the Numbers
We start with the numbers given in the question:
- 2961897
- 45712688
- 4573695
- 23614576
- 2354581
- 45713898
- 4572363
- 23641785
Step 2: Count the Digits
Next, we can count the number of digits in each number to help us identify the smallest number:
- 2961897 (7 digits)
- 45712688 (8 digits)
- 4573695 (7 digits)
- 23614576 (8 digits)
- 2354581 (7 digits)
- 45713898 (8 digits)
- 4572363 (7 digits)
- 23641785 (8 digits)
Step 3: Identify the Smallest Number
Among the numbers with 7 digits, we compare:
- 2961897
- 4573695
- 2354581
- 4572363
The smallest number is 2354581.
Step 4: Identify the Next Smallest Number
Now we look at the remaining numbers:
- 2961897
- 4573695
- 23614576
- 45712688
- 45713898
- 23641785
The next smallest number is 2961897.
Step 5: Continue Finding the Next Smallest Numbers
Continuing this process:
- Next is 4572363.
- Then 4573695.
- Now we look at the 8-digit numbers:
- The smallest is 23614576.
- Next is 23641785.
- Then 45712688.
- Finally, the largest is 45713898.
Step 6: Write the Final Order
Now we can write all the numbers in ascending order:
1. 2354581
2. 2961897
3. 4572363
4. 4573695
5. 23614576
6. 23641785
7. 45712688
8. 45713898
Final Answer:
The numbers arranged in ascending order are:
2354581, 2961897, 4572363, 4573695, 23614576, 23641785, 45712688, 45713898.
We start with the numbers given in the question:
- 2961897
- 45712688
- 4573695
- 23614576
- 2354581
- 45713898
- 4572363
- 23641785
Next, we can count the number of digits in each number to help us identify the smallest number:
- 2961897 (7 digits)
- 45712688 (8 digits)
- 4573695 (7 digits)
- 23614576 (8 digits)
- 2354581 (7 digits)
- 45713898 (8 digits)
- 4572363 (7 digits)
- 23641785 (8 digits)
Among the numbers with 7 digits, we compare:
- 2961897
- 4573695
- 2354581
- 4572363
Now we look at the remaining numbers:
- 2961897
- 4573695
- 23614576
- 45712688
- 45713898
- 23641785
Continuing this process:
- Next is 4572363.
- Then 4573695.
- Now we look at the 8-digit numbers:
- The smallest is 23614576.
- Next is 23641785.
- Then 45712688.
- Finally, the largest is 45713898.
Now we can write all the numbers in ascending order:
1. 2354581
2. 2961897
3. 4572363
4. 4573695
5. 23614576
6. 23641785
7. 45712688
8. 45713898
The numbers arranged in ascending order are:
2354581, 2961897, 4572363, 4573695, 23614576, 23641785, 45712688, 45713898.
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