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If dividing 45 by 2 gives quotient 22 and leaves 1 as remainder, then we can say that 2 and 22 are factors of 45.

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To determine whether 2 and 22 are factors of 45 based on the information given, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Division
When we divide 45 by 2, we are given that the quotient is 22 and the remainder is 1. This means:

Step 2: Calculate the Product of the Quotient and Divisor
Now, let's calculate 2×22:

Step 3: Add the Remainder
Next, we add the remainder (1) to the product we just calculated:

Step 4: Check for Factors
For a number to be a factor of another number, it must divide that number completely with no remainder.

- Check for 2:
- 45÷2=22 with a remainder of 1.
- Since there is a remainder, 2 is not a factor of 45.

- Check for 22:
- 45÷22=2 with a remainder of 1.
- Since there is a remainder, 22 is not a factor of 45.

Since neither 2 nor 22 divides 45 completely (both leave a remainder), we conclude that 2 and 22 are not factors of 45.

