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What do you mean by area? What is the relationship between cm2 and m2?

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Step-by-Step Solution

Step 1: Define Area
- Area is defined as the amount of space occupied by a flat surface. It is a two-dimensional measurement that quantifies the extent of a surface.

Step 2: Identify Units of Area
- Area can be expressed in various units, with square centimeters (cm²) and square meters (m²) being two common units.

Step 3: Establish the Relationship Between cm² and m²
- To find the relationship between these two units, we start with the conversion of meters to centimeters:
- 1 meter (m) = 100 centimeters (cm).

Step 4: Calculate Area in Different Units
- Since area is a two-dimensional measurement, we square the conversion factor:
- 1 m² = (1 m) × (1 m) = (100 cm) × (100 cm) = 10,000 cm².

Step 5: State the Relationship
- Therefore, the relationship between square meters and square centimeters is:
- 1 m² = 10,000 cm² or 1 m² = 10^4 cm².
