Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Write all the factors of the numbers given and list their common factors :
25, 30

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To solve the problem of finding all the factors of the numbers 25 and 30 and listing their common factors, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the Factors of 25
To find the factors of 25, we need to identify all the numbers that can divide 25 without leaving a remainder.

- Start with 1: 25÷1=25 (1 is a factor)
- Check 2: 25÷2=12.5 (not a factor)
- Check 3: 25÷38.33 (not a factor)
- Check 4: 25÷4=6.25 (not a factor)
- Check 5: 25÷5=5 (5 is a factor)
- Check 6: 25÷64.17 (not a factor)
- Check 7: 25÷73.57 (not a factor)
- Check 8: 25÷83.125 (not a factor)
- Check 9: 25÷92.78 (not a factor)
- Check 10: 25÷10=2.5 (not a factor)
- Check 11 to 24: All not factors.
- Finally, check 25: 25÷25=1 (25 is a factor)

Factors of 25: 1, 5, 25

Step 2: Find the Factors of 30
Next, we will find the factors of 30 in the same way.

- Start with 1: 30÷1=30 (1 is a factor)
- Check 2: 30÷2=15 (2 is a factor)
- Check 3: 30÷3=10 (3 is a factor)
- Check 4: 30÷4=7.5 (not a factor)
- Check 5: 30÷5=6 (5 is a factor)
- Check 6: 30÷6=5 (6 is a factor)
- Check 7 to 14: All not factors.
- Check 15: 30÷15=2 (15 is a factor)
- Finally, check 30: 30÷30=1 (30 is a factor)

Factors of 30: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30

Step 3: List the Common Factors
Now, we will identify the common factors between 25 and 30. The common factors are those that appear in both lists.

- Factors of 25: 1, 5, 25
- Factors of 30: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30

Common Factors: 1, 5

Final Answer
- Factors of 25: 1, 5, 25
- Factors of 30: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30
- Common Factors: 1, 5

