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What are actinoids ? Write the name of all the actinoids.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Actinoids:
- Actinoids are a series of elements in the periodic table that are characterized by the filling of the 5f orbitals. They are also known as actinides.

2. Location in the Periodic Table:
- Actinoids are found in the f-block of the periodic table, specifically following the element actinium (Ac).

3. List of Actinoids:
- There are 14 elements in the actinoid series, which are:
1. Thorium (Th)
2. Protactinium (Pa)
3. Uranium (U)
4. Neptunium (Np)
5. Plutonium (Pu)
6. Americium (Am)
7. Curium (Cm)
8. Berkelium (Bk)
9. Californium (Cf)
10. Einsteinium (Es)
11. Fermium (Fm)
12. Mendelevium (Md)
13. Nobelium (No)
14. Lawrencium (Lr)

Updated on:18/9/2024

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