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Define antiseptics and give two examples. Write the structure of malachite green.

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Step-by-Step Solution

Step 1: Define Antiseptics
Antiseptics are chemical substances that are used to kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms. They are typically applied to living tissues, such as skin, to prevent infection in wounds, cuts, and ulcers. Unlike antibiotics, which are used internally, antiseptics are primarily for external use.

Step 2: Provide Two Examples of Antiseptics
1. Furacin - A topical antiseptic used for treating burns and skin infections.
2. Sophramycin - Another antiseptic used for treating various skin conditions.

Additionally, Dettol is a widely known antiseptic that is a mixture of chloroxylenol and terpinol, used for disinfecting and cleaning purposes.

Step 3: Write the Structure of Malachite Green
Malachite green is a synthetic dye that has a complex structure. It consists of two aromatic rings connected by a central nitrogen atom. The structure can be represented as follows:

- The core structure includes a central nitrogen atom (N) that is positively charged (N+).
- Attached to this nitrogen are two methyl groups (–CH3) on either side.
- Each aromatic ring is a benzene ring, and the overall structure can be visualized as two interconnected benzene rings with the nitrogen atom linking them.

The simplified structural formula can be represented as:

