Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Write a composition (in approximately 450-500 words) on the following subject :
(You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of material, use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar.)
Write an original short story beginning with the following words:
She was delighted to find the sealed envelope lying on her table. As she reached for it .... 

Text Solution
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She was delighted to find the envelope lying on her table. As she reached for it, the envelope flew and hovered in front of her in the air. Anna had been expecting a reply from her favourite aunt for weeks now! Shocked and scared out of her wits, Anna jumped back. The hovering envelope split at its edges and formed a mouth.
  "Dear Miss Anna Zachary, You have been accepted in the Exetram School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please follow the instruction as mentioned in the letter enclosed and board the Exetram boat from Plymouth, on June 30, 2019. Hope you and your family are doing well. Maggie Smith, Head Mistress, Exetram School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
Bless the world! The whole Harry Potter world was real! Anna screamed with joy. She knew it! She had always known that magic existed. She had felt it when she was angry or extremely happy. She had dreamt of flying through the clouds. She had seen people vanishing and re-appearing in public places a number of times. During those times, she know only she could see them but had chalked it all up to her active imagination. She loved the wizarding world of Harry Potter after all! She had a feeling that the author, JK Rowling herself was a witch and thus had written about the world of magic with pertinent details.
Anna ran to her mother, Jessy, and told her about it. Her mother apparently did not believe her. "You must have been dreaming honey. Envelopes do not fly in the air nor is the world of Mr. Potter real," said Jessy.
"But it is real mom. I saw the envelope fly up and hover in front of me. I swear mom!" Anna was adamant to make her mother believe.
"Seriously, Anna. Stop it now. I am frankly glad that there is no such thing as a wizard school. Imagine that even Lord Voldemort must be real! What horror!" Jessy turned away, and switched on the television to take her daughter.s mind off the visions she was imagining.
Finally, Anna felt it. The magic moving through her. She raised her hand and pointed at the television. It switched off. Her mother blinked. She looked at Anna who again pointed at the T.V. and on it came back! Jessy finally understood. Her daughter was special. She had magic.
"Oh, Anna! I have been waiting for this day since you turned ten. I have magic too my love! Your father and I went to Exetram, and that is where we met. We show magic normally at the age of ten but you are twelve, and we had lost all hope," Jessy was beaming.
Anna was shocked again, but a blast of happiness was running through her joy. She was going to a magic school!

Updated on:21/07/2023

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