Write a composition (in approximately 400-450 words) on the following subjects : (You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of material, use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar.)
Students should be allowed to use electronic gadgets in the classroom. Argue for or against this proposition.
Electronic gadgets allow instant access to knowledge and multitude of information. If students are allowed to use electronic gadgets in classrooms. They can find a lot of new ideas by expanding their capability in educational technology in applying 21st century skills, building interpersonal communication skills, working more effectively with teams, and creating and innovating new ideas, concepts, and products.
According to Willie Mata of Centre Technologies, .Readiness for the future mobility is currently the next great movement in the workplace, and students who use technology in the classroom today will be more adapted to using it in the future.. The National Science Board in the USA says that in 2013, President Obama announced the ConnectED initiative, pledging to connect 99% of American students to next-generation broadband and high-speed wireless in their schools and libraries by 2018. And with the help of the new ideas, the youth or students today can use their knowledge and skills for their future careers. The world will have a higher technology use in the future compared to today.
There is proven research on the fact that blended learning styles keep students focused for longer and makes them more excited to learn more, especially for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) subjects. Also, laptops, tablets, mobile phones and other digital devices can help the students enhance the interaction with their classmates and instructors by encouraging collaborative learning. It positively affects how students live, work, play, and most importantly, learn. With the integration of technology in education, students have the ability to learn at their own pace. They have the option to slow down and go back over lessons and concepts, and, if they are fast learners they can go ahead. It also encourages the teacher to help their students on a more one-on-one level.
So, schools should allow students to use their gadgets in the classroom because it contributes a lot to the students. ability, understanding, knowledge and skills, by having new features or a multitude of resources on the internet or apps which can be used in individual or group work. It makes students more advanced in their thinking and enhances what they can learn in the classrooms. Also, schools should let students have access to Wi-Fi connections in doing physical activities and group work. Technology is very significant, so it is crucial for the students benefit from the opportunity to have an advanced knowledge and be better prepared for the future.
Electronic gadgets such as cell phones or tablets should not be allowed in schools as they pose to be a major distraction for both students and teachers. For students, it will prove to be a bigger hindrance as they will not be able to keep up with the class if they are busy with their gadgets. For the teachers, it will pose to be a problem in the process of their teaching as the entire flow and focus of the class will get disturbed if any student is found fiddling with their phone. It has been found that on an average, students spend up to 20% of their time in their classrooms texting, emailing and checking their social media accounts. This leaves lesser time for the real studies.
Moreover, students might start browsing irrelevant content, inappropriate websites, and watch distracting videos and in the process waste their precious time which can be utilised for studies or extra-curricular activities.
There have also been cases where cell phones were used for cheating during tests as many cases of the same have been reported. Even if the student is not caught, it can lead to poor understanding of the concepts and lead it to becoming a bad habit.
In certain scenarios, phone cameras have been used for nasty and malicious purposes like for clicking inappropriate pictures or making videos that are not in a good taste. This could hamper the overall growth, mindset, and personality of the students and have adverse effects on their physical and mental health.
Also, allowing gadgets in schools will give rise to an unhealthy, unwanted competition among students. This would not be healthy for the students and would encourage wrong practices such as bullying, teasing, and harassing other students. More so, cyberbullying can be harder to see than other forms of bullying, making it difficult for teachers to identify and stop when it is happening.
Not only would there be social and economic disparity within friends, but the poor parents would also suffer as they would be under constant pressure to get new and expensive phones for their children. It is for the same reason that each school has its separate and assigned uniforms which students are required to wear every day to school so that all students look the same without any biases.
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