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Give a reason why metals are arranged in a series called - activity series of metals. Name a metal which reacts with
b] Boiling water

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Activity Series of Metals:
- Metals are arranged in a series called the activity series based on their reactivity. This series ranks metals according to their ability to lose valence electrons and form positive ions.
- The most reactive metals are placed at the top of the series, while the least reactive metals are at the bottom. For example, potassium is highly reactive, while gold is much less reactive.

2. Reason for the Arrangement:
- The arrangement in the activity series is primarily due to the tendency of metals to lose electrons. Metals that can easily lose their valence electrons are more reactive and are placed higher in the series. This property is crucial for predicting how metals will react with other substances, including water and acids.

3. Identifying a Metal that Reacts with Boiling Water:
- One metal that reacts with boiling water is magnesium (Mg). When magnesium is added to boiling water, it reacts to form magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)₂) and hydrogen gas (H₂).
- The chemical reaction can be represented as:

4. Balancing the Reaction:
- In the reaction, we have one magnesium atom and two water molecules, which produce one magnesium hydroxide molecule and one hydrogen molecule. The reaction is balanced as written.
