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What do you understant by gene cloning ?

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Step-by-Step Solution for the Question: What do you understand by gene cloning?

1. Definition of Gene Cloning: Gene cloning is a technique used to create multiple identical copies of a specific gene or DNA sequence. This process is crucial in genetic engineering and biotechnology.

2. Use of Genetic Engineering Technology: Gene cloning is performed using genetic engineering technologies, which involve manipulating DNA to achieve desired outcomes.

3. Isolation of Target Gene: The first step in gene cloning is to isolate the desired DNA segment that contains the target gene. This is achieved by using restriction enzymes that cut the DNA at specific sequences.

4. Fragmentation of DNA: The DNA containing the target gene is split into fragments. For example, if we have a DNA sequence from point A to B that we want to clone, restriction enzymes will cut the DNA at specific locations to isolate this segment.

5. Ligation to a Vector: The isolated target gene is then ligated (joined) to a plasmid or vector. The plasmid is a small circular DNA molecule that can replicate independently within a host cell. The same restriction enzymes are used to cut the plasmid DNA, creating compatible ends for the target gene to be inserted.

6. Formation of Recombinant DNA: Once the target gene is ligated to the plasmid, the resulting structure is called recombinant DNA. This recombinant plasmid now contains the foreign gene that was introduced.

7. Transformation into Host Cells: The recombinant plasmid is then introduced into a host cell, such as E. coli. This process is known as transformation, where the plasmid enters the bacterial cell.

8. Replication of the Gene: Inside the host cell, the recombinant plasmid replicates along with the bacterial DNA. As the bacteria divide, they produce multiple copies of the recombinant plasmid, effectively cloning the target gene.

9. Obtaining Copies of the Gene: After several rounds of replication, numerous copies of the desired DNA sequence are obtained, which can then be used for various applications in research, medicine, and biotechnology.
