Text Solution
An organic compound E(C5H8) on hydrogenation gives compound F(C5H12) c...
Give the chemical test to distinguish between 2-butyne and 1-butyne
How would you convert acetylene to acetone?
A mixture of ethyl iodide and n-propyl iodide is subjected to Wurtz re...
The reagent used for the conversion CH3CH2COOH rarr CH3CH2CH3 is
Pure methane can be produced by
Which of the following will not produce ethane?
The compound which produces propane on heating with HI in presence of ...
Which of the following yield both alkane and alkene?
(CH3)3 C MgCl on reaction with D2O produces
Which of the following reactions has zero activation energy ?
Electrolysis of cold concentrated aqueous solution of potassium succin...
HBr antimarcowni koff deoes not observed in:
Reaction of HBr with propene in the presence of peroxide gives
Mono sodium acetylide reacts with an alkyl halide to form
Which of the following used for the conversion of 2-hexyne into trans-...
1-butyne on oxidation with hot alkaline KMnO4 would yield