Read the passage given below and choose the correct option-
The joint family system has undergone a drastic change in India. There are number of factors which are leading to its disintegration. Opportunities for employment outside agriculture and specially in the urban areas are increasing, as a result of which the young men of rural areas have been shifting to those places. Many young persons in the urban areas are increasing, as a result of which the young persons in the urban areas are also moving out of the parent's places to seek opening in other parts of the country or even outside of India. The property disputes and the sour relation between the mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law have forced many persons to opt for an independent living. As a result of disintegration of joint families the aged have lost the traditional source of economic and social support which was easily available to them in joint families.
There are ......... which are leading to its distinegration.
a number of problems
a number of factors
a lot of happenings
lots of incidents
The correct Answer is:B
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