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Prove that 33! Is divisible by 219 and what is the largest integer n such that 33! Is divisible by 2n?

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To solve the problem of proving that 33! is divisible by 219 and finding the largest integer n such that 33! is divisible by 2n, we will use the formula for finding the highest power of a prime p that divides n!:

Power of p in n!=k=1npk

1. Identify the values: Here, n=33 and p=2.

2. Calculate the sum: We will compute the sum for k=1,2,3, until pk>n.

- For k=1:

- For k=2:

- For k=3:

- For k=4:

- For k=5:

- For k=6:

Since 3326=0, we stop here.

3. Sum the values:

4. Conclusion:
- The highest power of 2 that divides 33! is 31.
- Therefore, 33! is divisible by 219 since 31>19.
- The largest integer n such that 33! is divisible by 2n is 31.

Final Answer:
- 33! is divisible by 219.
- The largest integer n such that 33! is divisible by 2n is 31.
