Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Solve the following equations for A, if :
(i) sin3A=32
(ii) 3cot2A=1

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

The correct Answer is:(i) A=20
(ii) A=30

To solve the equations for A, we will tackle each equation step by step.

(i) Solve sin3A=32

Step 1: Recognize the value of sine.
We know that sin60=32.

Hint: Recall the unit circle values for sine at common angles.

Step 2: Set the angles equal.
Since sin3A=sin60, we can set the angles equal to each other:
where n is any integer.

Hint: Use the property of sine that states sinx=sin(180x).

Step 3: Solve for A.
From 3A=60:

From 3A=120:

Hint: Divide by 3 to isolate A.

Step 4: General solution.
The general solutions for A can be expressed as:
for any integer n.

(ii) Solve 3cot2A=1

Step 1: Rearrange the equation.
We can rewrite the equation as:

Hint: Remember that cotθ=1tanθ.

Step 2: Identify the angle.
We know that cot60=13.

Hint: Recall the values of cotangent at common angles.

Step 3: Set the angles equal.
Thus, we have:

Step 4: Solve for A.
From 2A=60:

From 2A=120:

Hint: Divide by 2 to isolate A.

Step 5: General solution.
The general solutions for A can be expressed as:
for any integer n.

Summary of Solutions
From the first equation, we found:
- A=20 or A=40

From the second equation, we found:
- A=30 or A=60
