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Describe an experiment to show that C O 2 is essential for photosynthesis.

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Step-by-Step Solution to the Experiment Showing CO₂ is Essential for Photosynthesis

Step 1: Preparation of Plants
- Take two healthy potted plants of nearly the same size. This ensures that both plants have similar health and growth conditions.

Hint: Use plants that are known to perform photosynthesis effectively, such as a common houseplant.


Step 2: Dark Treatment
- Place both plants in a dark room for three days. This step is crucial to deplete the plants of any stored carbohydrates, ensuring that any starch produced later can only come from photosynthesis during the experiment.

Hint: Ensure that the plants are completely shielded from light to prevent any photosynthesis during this period.


Step 3: Setting Up the Experiment
- After three days, place each plant on separate glass plates.
- Next, take a watch glass and fill it with potassium hydroxide (KOH) and place it beside only one of the plants. KOH will absorb any carbon dioxide present in the air around that plant.

Hint: KOH is used because it reacts with CO₂ to form potassium carbonate, thus removing CO₂ from the environment of that plant.


Step 4: Creating Airtight Conditions
- Cover both plants with separate bell jars. Use Vaseline to seal the bottom of the jars to the glass plates, making the setup airtight. This prevents any external carbon dioxide from entering the jars.

Hint: Make sure the seals are tight to avoid any leakage of air, which could affect the results.


Step 5: Light Exposure
- Place both setups in sunlight for two hours. This allows the plants to undergo photosynthesis if CO₂ is available.

Hint: Ensure that both setups receive equal amounts of sunlight to maintain consistency in the experiment.


Step 6: Leaf Collection
- After two hours, pluck a leaf from each plant. This will be used to test for the presence of starch, which is an indicator of photosynthesis.

Hint: Choose leaves that are healthy and fully developed for more accurate results.


Step 7: Decolorizing the Leaves
- Boil the leaves in alcohol to remove the green chlorophyll. This step is necessary to make the starch test more visible.

Hint: Use a water bath to boil the leaves in alcohol safely, as alcohol is flammable.


Step 8: Testing for Starch
- After decolorizing, wash the leaves with water to soften them. Then, pour iodine solution over the leaves. The iodine will turn blue-black in the presence of starch.

Hint: Ensure that the iodine solution is fresh for accurate results.


Step 9: Observing Results
- Observe the color change in both leaves. The leaf from the plant that was exposed to KOH (and thus lacked CO₂) will not turn blue-black, indicating that no starch is present. In contrast, the leaf from the other plant will turn blue-black, indicating the presence of starch.

Hint: Document the observations carefully, as they are crucial for drawing conclusions.


From this experiment, we conclude that carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis, as the plant deprived of CO₂ did not produce starch.

Updated on:18/9/2024

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