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What is an inflorescence ? What are the two main types of inflorescence ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Inflorescence:
Inflorescence refers to the arrangement or cluster of flowers on a floral axis. It is the way in which flowers are organized on the stem of a plant.

2. Understanding Floral Axis:
The floral axis is the main stem or branch that supports the flowers. The arrangement of flowers on this axis can vary significantly among different plant species.

3. Types of Inflorescence:
There are two main types of inflorescence:
- Racemose Inflorescence: In this type, the flowers are arranged in a way that the main axis continues to grow and produce flowers in a branching manner. Examples include racemes, spikes, and panicles.
- Cymose Inflorescence: In this type, the growth of the main axis is limited, and the flowers are arranged in a way that the terminal flower blooms first, leading to a more compact structure. Examples include cymes and umbels.

4. Conclusion:
In summary, inflorescence is the arrangement of flowers on a floral axis, and the two main types are racemose and cymose.

