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Generally, a woman's voice has a higher pitch than a man's voice.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Pitch and Frequency:
- Pitch refers to how high or low a sound is perceived. It is directly related to the frequency of the sound waves produced. Higher frequencies result in higher pitches, while lower frequencies result in lower pitches.

2. Frequency Ranges:
- The frequency range for women's voices typically falls between 165 to 255 hertz (Hz).
- The frequency range for men's voices generally lies between 85 to 155 hertz (Hz).

3. Biological Factors:
- The difference in pitch between men's and women's voices can be attributed to biological factors, particularly hormonal changes during puberty.
- Men experience a surge of testosterone during puberty, which causes their vocal cords to elongate and thicken.

4. Effect of Hormones on Voice:
- The elongation and thickening of vocal cords in men lead to a decrease in frequency, resulting in a deeper voice.
- Conversely, women do not experience the same level of hormonal changes, which allows their vocal cords to remain shorter and thinner, leading to higher frequencies and pitches.

5. Conclusion:
- Therefore, it is generally true that women have a higher pitch than men due to their higher frequency range of voice. The relationship between frequency and pitch shows that as frequency increases, pitch also increases.
