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What is an allergy? Name the types of allergens.

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Step-by-Step Solution

Step 1: Define Allergy
An allergy is a condition that occurs when the human body reacts to foreign substances in the environment. These substances are often harmless to most people, but some individuals may have an adverse reaction to them.

Step 2: Explain the Immune Response
The immune system plays a crucial role in allergies. A strong immune system can typically manage these reactions, while a weak immune system may lead to heightened sensitivity and allergic responses.

Step 3: Identify Allergens
The foreign substances that trigger allergic reactions are known as allergens.

Step 4: List Types of Allergens
There are several types of allergens, including:
1. Dust Mites - Many people are allergic to dust due to the presence of dust mites.
2. Pet Dander - Some individuals are allergic to the fur or skin flakes of pets.
3. Pollen - Allergies can occur during pollen season, particularly affecting those who are sensitive to it.
4. Insect Bites - Certain insect bites can trigger allergic reactions in some people.
5. Food Allergens - Some individuals may be allergic to specific foods, such as wheat or nuts.

In summary, an allergy is an abnormal reaction of the immune system to typically harmless substances known as allergens. Common types of allergens include dust mites, pet dander, pollen, insect bites, and certain foods.

