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Which is correct


slime moulds are haploid


protozoans lack cell wall


dinoflagellates are immotile


pellicle is absent in Euglena

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To determine which statement is correct among the given options, we will analyze each statement one by one.

1. Statement Analysis:
- Statement 1: "Slime molds are haploid."
- Analysis: This statement is incorrect. The vegetative phase of slime molds is diploid in nature. The haploid stage occurs during the spore formation, which is a reproductive phase to withstand unfavorable conditions. Thus, slime molds are not haploid in their vegetative state.

2. Statement 2: "Protozoans lack cell wall."
- Analysis: This statement is correct. Protozoans do not have a cell wall, which distinguishes them from plants and fungi. This characteristic makes them more similar to animals, which also lack cell walls. Therefore, this statement is true.

3. Statement 3: "Dinoflagellates are immortal."
- Analysis: This statement is incorrect. Dinoflagellates are motile organisms and are not immortal. They have a heterotrichous condition of flagella, which allows them to move. Thus, this statement is false.

4. Statement 4: "Palisade is absent in Euglena."
- Analysis: This statement is also incorrect. The palisade layer is a proteinaceous layer located just below the cell membrane in Euglena. Therefore, this structure is present, making the statement false.

The only correct statement among the options provided is Statement 2: "Protozoans lack cell wall."

Final Answer:
Option B: Protozoans lack cell wall.

