Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Which of the following statements are correct ?


The decrease in the speed of sound at high altitudes is due to a fall in pressure .


The standing wave on a string under a tension , fixed at its ends , does not have well - defined nodes .


The phenomenon of beats is not observable in the case of visible light waves.


The apparent frequency is f1 when a source of sound approached a stationary observer with a speed u and is f2 when the observer approaches the same stationary source with the same speed . Then f2<f1,ifu<v, where v is the speed of sound.

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The correct Answer is:B, C, D

Statement (a) is incorrect .
A change in pressure has no effect on the speed of sound . The decrease in the speed at high altitudes is due to fall in temperature .
Statement (b) is correct .
Standing waves are produced due to superposition of the incident waves and the waves reflected from the fixed ends of the string . Since , the ends are never perfectly rigidly fixed , the amplitude of the reflected wave is always less than that of the incident wave. Consequently , the resultant amplitudes at nodes is not exactly zero . Thus , the nodes are not well defined .
Statement (c) is also correct .
To observe beats , the difference between the two interfering frequencies must be less than about 1016Hz. Since , visible light waves have very high frequencies , beats are not observed due to persistence of vision.
Statement (d) is also correct . We know that
f1=f1uv (i)
And f2=f(1+uv) (ii)
Expression Eq. (i) may be written as
Extanding binomically and retaining terms up to order u2/v2, we have
f1=v(1+uv+u2v2) (iii)
Comparing Eqs. (ii) and (iii) , we find that f1>f2.
