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Find the number of possible natural oscillations of air column in a pipe frequencies of which lie below v0=1250Hz. The length of the pipe is l=85cm. The velocity of sound is v=340m/s. Consider two cases
i. the pipe is closed from the end ,
ii. the pipe is open from both ends.

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First Method
i. Pipe is closed from one end : An air column in a pipe closed from one end oscillates only odd harmonics [ 1st harmonic (fundamental mode ), 3rd harmonic ( 1st overtone ), 5th harmonic ( 2nd overtone ) , 7th harmonic ( 3rd overtone ) etc.]
Fundamental frequency
Other modes of oscillation are :
3rdharmonic frequency=3×100=300Hz
5thharmonic frequency=5×100=500Hz
7thharmonic frequency=7×100=700Hz
9thharmonic frequency=9×100=900Hz
11thharmonic frequency=11×100=1100Hz
13thharmonic frequency=13×100=1300Hz
Only those natural oscillations are to be counted frequencies of which lie below v0=1250Hz, the harmonics till 11th harmonic are to be counted.
Since number of possible natural oscillations
second Method
All the frequencies possible are integral multiples of fundamental frequency which is 100Hz. Using the fact that integer which is multiplied by fundamental frequency is the number of harmonic itself you get , highest harmonic predicted =[12.50/100] where [x] represents greatest integer less than or equal to x=[12.5]=12.
Now for closed pipe , only odd harmonics are possible and the highest harmonic possible = 11 th . The possible harmonics are 1,3,5,7,9,11 which are six in number.
ii. Pipe opened from the both ends : Fundamental frequency
Frequency of the other natural modes of oscillational are :
2ndharmonic frequency=2×200=400Hz
3rdharmonic frequency=3×200=600Hz
4thharmonic frequency=4×200=800Hz
5thharmonic frequency=5×200=1000Hz
6thharmonic frequency=6×200=1200Hz
7thharmonic frequency=7×200=1400Hz
You have to count only those harmonics whose frequencies are below 1250Hz. All the harmonics till 6 th harmonic are possible , and obviously they are six in number.
Third Method
Fundamental frequency =200Hz
Frequencies possible =n×fundamental frequency
=n×200 [nis1,2,...]
Maximum value of n=[12.50/200]=6([x]represents greater than or equal tox)
Now n is also equal to the number of harmonics for which frequency is being calculated , highest harmonic possible =6th.
As all harmonics are possible in case of open tube , harmonics possible are 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5thand6th.
Number of harmonics possible in this case =6.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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