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Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct


The rate constant for the reaction
2N2O54NO2+O2, is 3.0×105s1. If the rate is 2.40×105molL1s1, then the concentration of N2O5=0.8molL1.


In the intensity equation, k=Aexp(E/RT). A may be termed as the rate constant at very low temperature.


If I is the intensity of absorbed light and c is the concentration of AB for the photochemical process AB+hvAB, the rate of formation of AB is diretly proportional to I2.


The rate constant, the activation energy, and the Arrhenius parameter of a chemical reaction at 25C are 3.0×104s1, 104.4kJmol1, and 6.0×1014s1, respectively. The value of the rate constant as T is 6.0×1014s1.

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The correct Answer is:A, D

(a) r=k[N2O5]
(b) At very high temperature or zero energy of activation.
(c ) Directly proportional to I.
(d) According to Arrhenius equation,
As T,K=A
Hence, A=6.0×1014s1
