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Describe the chief applications of radioisotopes in :
a . The study of reactin mechanism
b . Medicines

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a . The studey of reaction mechanism : For example, the mechanism of ester hydrolysis was established by treating it with water contained O 18 isotope. After the hydrolysis, the O 18 isotope was represented in acid and note in alcohol. This means that the H - atom of H 2 O combines with O R part of the ester to form alcohol ( R O H ) .
R - C O - O R + H O H 18 R - C O - O 18 H + R O H
The acid and water containing oxygen ( O 18 ) are also called labelled molecules.
b . Medicin : The radio isotopes are used in medicines for diagnosis of disease and its treatment ( therapy ) .
i . . 53 I 132 to diagnose and treat thyroid gland, i.e., goitre and location of brain tumor.
i i . . 15 P 32 in the treatment of leukaemia.
i i . . 27 C o 60 to destroy malignant cells such as cancer.
i v . N a 24 in the detection of amount of blood in body.
