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Complete the following reactions:
a. Complete the following reactions:   a.    The product (D) is?
The product (D) is?

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a. ocr_image
b. ocr_image
c. ocr_image
d. R2CuLi does not add to (C=O) bond but couples.
e. This is an example of 1,4addition or conjugate addition to an α,βunsaturated carbony1 compound.
f. It is an example of partial oxidation of (CH3) to (CHO) (Etard type reaction). Only terminal CH3 is oxidised to (CHO).
Formation of acetral ester prevents further oxidation of the intermediate aldehyde to acid (COOH) group.
g. ocr_image
h. It is an example of Gattermann-Koch synthesis. The reaction takes place at ρposition.
i. ocr_image
