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Define friction. What are the facrtors affecting friction ? Explain with examples.

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Step-by-Step Solution

Step 1: Define Friction
Friction is defined as the force that opposes the motion of an object. When two surfaces come into contact and one surface tries to move over the other, friction acts in the opposite direction to resist that motion.

Example: If you push a book across a table, the friction between the book and the table resists the book's movement.


Step 2: Identify the Factors Affecting Friction
There are several factors that affect the amount of friction between two surfaces. The main factors include:

1. Weight of the Object:
The weight of the object influences the frictional force. Heavier objects exert more force on the surface they are on, which increases the frictional force.

Example: A heavy box will have more friction when pushed compared to a lighter box, making it harder to move.

2. Surface Texture:
The nature of the surfaces in contact plays a significant role in determining friction. Rough surfaces create more friction compared to smooth surfaces.

Example: Pushing a rubber tire on a rough road will encounter more friction than pushing it on a smooth ice surface.


Friction is the opposing force that resists motion between two surfaces in contact. The two main factors affecting friction are the weight of the object and the texture of the surfaces in contact.

