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Name one crop which can tolerate standing water (water-logging) in the field and one which cannot.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding Water-Logging: Water-logging refers to a condition where the soil is saturated with water, making it difficult for some crops to grow. Certain crops can thrive in such conditions, while others cannot.

2. Identifying a Crop that Tolerates Water-Logging:
- One crop that can tolerate standing water or water-logging is paddy (rice).
- Paddy is a kharif crop, which means it is typically grown during the rainy season when there is an abundance of water.

3. Identifying a Crop that Cannot Tolerate Water-Logging:
- A crop that cannot tolerate standing water is wheat.
- Wheat is a rabi crop, which is grown in the cooler months and requires less water compared to paddy.

4. Conclusion:
- Therefore, the answer to the question is:
- Crop that can tolerate water-logging: Paddy
- Crop that cannot tolerate water-logging: Wheat
