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How do the irrigation requirements of a wheat crop differ from that of a paddy crop ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Crops: The question asks about the irrigation requirements of two specific crops: wheat and paddy.

2. Understand the Growing Seasons:
- Wheat is a Rabi crop, which means it is grown in the winter season.
- Paddy is a Kharif crop, which means it is grown in the rainy season.

3. Water Requirements for Wheat:
- Wheat has a low water requirement.
- Since it is grown in winter, the weather is cooler and there is less evaporation, leading to reduced water needs.

4. Water Requirements for Paddy:
- Paddy has a high water requirement.
- It is grown in the rainy season when there is abundant rainfall, and the fields are often flooded with water.

5. Comparison of Water Needs:
- Wheat requires less water compared to paddy.
- Paddy requires more water due to its growing conditions and the need for flooded fields.

6. Conclusion: The irrigation requirements of wheat and paddy differ significantly due to their growing seasons and the amount of water they need. Wheat is suited for drier conditions, while paddy thrives in wet, water-rich environments.
