Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Fill in the following blanks with suitable words :
The changes occurring in body and mind during adolescene are a natural part of ………………….. Up.

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To fill in the blank in the sentence "The changes occurring in body and mind during adolescence are a natural part of ………………….. Up," we need to identify the appropriate phrase that describes the process of development during this stage of life.

1. Identify the Stage of Development: The question refers to the changes that happen during adolescence, which is a significant period of growth and development in both the body and mind.

2. Consider the Context: Adolescence is characterized by physical changes (like growth spurts and development of secondary sexual characteristics) and mental changes (such as increased cognitive abilities and emotional maturity).

3. Think of a Suitable Phrase: The phrase that best encapsulates the changes and developments occurring during this time is "growing up." This phrase signifies the overall process of maturation that includes both physical and psychological growth.

4. Fill in the Blank: Therefore, the completed sentence reads: "The changes occurring in body and mind during adolescence are a natural part of growing up."

Final Answer:
The changes occurring in body and mind during adolescence are a natural part of growing up.

