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What is the name of the set of teeth :
which grow in a small baby?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks for the name of the set of teeth that grow in small babies.

2. Role of Teeth: Teeth are essential for the digestive system as they help in chewing food, which is necessary for proper digestion.

3. Types of Teeth: Humans have two sets of teeth throughout their lifetime.

4. First Set of Teeth: The first set of teeth that appears in babies is known as primary teeth.

5. Other Names: Primary teeth are also commonly referred to as baby teeth or milk teeth.

6. Number of Teeth: There are a total of 20 primary teeth that develop in a baby.

7. Timeline for Development: These primary teeth typically begin to emerge when the baby is around three years old.

8. Replacement: After five to six years, these primary teeth start to fall out and are replaced by the second set of teeth, known as adult teeth.

9. Final Answer: Therefore, the name of the set of teeth that grow in a small baby is primary teeth, also known as baby teeth or milk teeth.

