What is meant by the term "ruminant"? Name any two ruminants.

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1. Definition of Ruminant:
- The term "ruminant" refers to a specific group of mammals that are capable of digesting plant-based food, particularly grasses. They have a unique digestive system that allows them to break down cellulose, a major component of plant cell walls.

2. Digestive Process:
- Ruminants possess a specialized stomach with a part called the rumen. The rumen contains bacteria that help in the digestion of cellulose, enabling these animals to extract nutrients from plant materials effectively.

3. Comparison with Humans:
- Unlike ruminants, humans do not have the necessary bacteria in their digestive system to break down cellulose, which is why we cannot digest plant cell walls as ruminants can.

4. Examples of Ruminants:
- Two common examples of ruminants are:
- Cow
- Sheep
