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Explain why, there is growing demand to ban polythene bags and plastics.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Polythene Bags and Plastics:
- Polythene bags and plastics are synthetic materials widely used for packaging and carrying goods.

2. Non-biodegradable Nature:
- These materials are classified as non-biodegradable, meaning they do not decompose naturally in the environment. Instead, they persist for many years.

3. Impact on Soil:
- When polythene bags and plastics are discarded, they accumulate in the soil. This accumulation leads to soil pollution, which adversely affects the quality of the soil.

4. Effect on Soil Organisms:
- The presence of plastics in the soil harms beneficial bacteria and microorganisms. These organisms play a crucial role in maintaining soil health by breaking down organic matter and enriching the soil.

5. Depletion of Soil Quality:
- As the good bacteria and organisms are affected by the presence of plastics, the soil's ability to support plant life diminishes. This leads to a decline in soil fertility and overall health.

6. Growing Demand for Ban:
- Due to the negative impacts of polythene bags and plastics on the environment, there is a growing demand to ban these materials. The aim is to reduce soil pollution and protect the ecosystem.

7. Conclusion:
- The call to ban polythene bags and plastics is driven by the need to preserve soil quality, protect beneficial organisms, and promote a healthier environment.
