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It has been observed that 8 to 10 days after the rains, the level of water in a well rises. Which type of soil would allow rainwater to reach the well faster and in greater amount ? Give reason for your choice.

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The correct Answer is:Sandy soil;Highest percolation rate of water

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks which type of soil allows rainwater to reach a well faster and in greater amounts, particularly noting that the water level in the well rises 8 to 10 days after rainfall.

2. Identifying Soil Types: There are different types of soil, primarily classified based on their particle size: sandy soil, clayey soil, and loamy soil. Each type has different properties regarding water drainage and retention.

3. Analyzing Soil Properties:
- Sandy Soil: This type has large particles and a loose structure, which allows water to drain quickly. It has low water-holding capacity, meaning it does not retain water for long.
- Clayey Soil: This type has very small particles and a compact structure, which retains water but does not allow it to drain quickly.
- Loamy Soil: This is a mixture of sand, silt, and clay, providing a balance between drainage and water retention.

4. Conclusion: Since the question specifies that the water level in the well rises after a period of time, it indicates that the water must be able to percolate through the soil quickly. Sandy soil, with its large particle size and loose structure, allows rainwater to seep down rapidly, thus replenishing the groundwater that feeds the well.

5. Final Answer: The type of soil that would allow rainwater to reach the well faster and in greater amounts is sandy soil. This is because sandy soil has larger particles that facilitate quick drainage and minimal water retention, allowing more water to reach the well.


Updated on:7/8/2024

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